Monsignor Maurice Lavigne

Scholarship Fund

A perpetual scholarship fund in loving memory of "Father Moe".

The Monsignor Maurice Lavigne Perpetual Scholarship Fund was established as a result of the generous contributions made by parishioners of St. Theresa Parish, in loving memory of our dear  “Father Moe”.


It is the goal of the St. Theresa Finance Council to build on this special Memorial Scholarship Fund through on-going contributions and bequests, to aid St. Theresa families with their children’s educational expenses.


Please consider making an additional donation to build the memorial scholarship as a perpetual gift in memory of Father Moe for many years to come.


Please mail your donation to:


                Monsignor Moe Scholarship

                Saint Theresa Parish Office

                P. O. Box 482

                Rye Beach, NH 03871


Thank you for your generosity in honoring “Father Moe” our much-beloved pastor and friend to all.