Life Long Faith Formation


The mission of St. Theresa Religious Education programs is to help our children and young adults to develop a loving relationship with our Heavenly Father and to enable them  to carry on their Catholic faith as disciples and witnesses of Jesus Christ.


- To help support parents in their role as the primary educators of the Faith for their children.

-To teach the Great Commandment as Jesus did; to love God with our whole heart, soul, mind and strength and to love our neighbor as ourselves.

-To teach the importance of daily prayer and to help students open their hearts to Gods presence in their lives.

-To develop a strong sense of belonging to the parish family, as evidenced by participation in Sunday Mass and other church activities.

- To teach the Truths and Faith of our Catholic Church and to encourage them to live a life in accordance with these Truths. 

- To provide an interactive and cooperative learning experience for our students that will encourage our students to want to know, love and serve the Lord.

-To prepare children and their families to receive the Sacraments.

Steubenville Youth Conference 2024

Youth Faith Formation

If you would like to enroll your child(ren) in a different Faith Formation Session, we invite you to contact OLMM's Faith Formation Director, Sherry Impastato to inquire about enrollment.

Youth Sacramental Preparation

If you would like more information on preparation for the Sacraments of Reconcilation, Confirmation, and First Eucharist, please contact Renee Portu at or contact the Parish Office.