About Us

Saint Theresa Catholic Church

We, the Catholic Community of St. Theresa Church, rich in diversity and unified by our common faith are committed to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ by being a safe, holy, hospitable place where all can worship and are welcome. Reaching out in service to family and community enables us to live the Gospel.  Nourished by Christ in the Eucharist we become Eucharist for one another.  St. Theresa, our patron saint, teaches us to live each day with confidence in God's love and we learn that what matters in life is "not great deeds, but great love".

St. Thésèse de Lisieux

The Little Flower


"Miss no single opportunity of making some small sacrifice, here by a smiling look, there by a kindly word; always doing the small right and doing it all for love."

History of Saint Theresa Parish

The Beginning

For 40 years Saint Theresa, the Little Flower of Jesus, was a summer mission for the people of Rye, Rye Beach, and nearby communities.  Prior to construction of the church, Mass was celebrated in the small hall above the Rye Beach Post Office.  For a three-year period, Masses were also held in the recreation hall of the Appledore Inn, owned by Mrs. Mathilde Kirkegaard, a non-Catholic who nonetheless brought flowers from her home in Massachusetts to adorn the temporary altar each Sunday.  While serving as a mission, the church offered Masses during the summer months with various priests from the Diocese of Manchester celebrating Mass.  In 1979, with the increase in permanent residents, the Diocese of Manchester decided to make St. Theresa a year-round parish.

Construction of the Church
The Rectory
St. Theresa Leadership

Fr. Gary

Our Pastor

If you need to get in touch with Father Gary for any reason please feel free to call him or email him at the following.

Tel: (603) 964-6440

Ext. 501

Email: frkosmowski@sainttheresachurchrye.org

Fr. Bart Okonkwo

Parochial Vicar

If you need to get in touch with Fr. Bart for any reason please feel free to email him at the following:


Pastoral Staff